User Researcher, Accessibility Specialist, and Informatics Ph.D.I've been involved in Human Computer Interaction research since 2016. I've studied topics as diverse as rumoring behavior on Twitter, queer communities on social media, accessible design of voice assistants, and inclusive imagery in design contexts.
My Research Portfolio
Digital Ethnography of Social Media Accessibility Community
A digital ethnography I conducted for my dissertation investigating a Discord community dedicated to accessible content creation and sharing on Tumblr.
Iterative User Evaluation of Inclusive Imagery
A series of focus groups and interviews conducted with Google's Material Design Team to assess the representation of marginalized identity in design images and co-design accessible solutions.
Studies on Hearing Aid-to-PC Interactions
Three studies conducted while at Intel investigating the pain points and potential solutions (both technically and in user experience) for hearing aid users who want to connect their hearing aids to their computer.
June 13th, 2023
I passed my dissertation defense! For a video of the defense presentation check out my LinkedIn, or view the presentation slides at
March 17th, 2023
My journal article "How the Alt Text Gets Made: What Roles and Processes of Alt Text Creation Can Teach Us About Inclusive Imagery" was added to the Just Accepted portion of the ACM Digital Library. For full paper see link here.
March 16th, 2023
I co-led a Webinar for the Great Lakes ADA Center on the topic of writing alt text for imagery depicting marginalized identities. Over 500 people attended the hour and a half long presentation! The full webinar recording is here.
March 1st, 2023
I officially scheduled my dissertation defense, for June 13th, 2023 at 12pm over Zoom. If you're interested in attending reach out to me via my contact page and I can send you the meeting info!
Get In Touch.
For anyone interested in discussing research, job opportunities, or accessible computing, please see my Contact page.